*a camera shows a man in a locker room*
*the Man looks up*
Man: What do u want? Well to all of you pea brains in the crowd out there that don't know who i am, i am Kaval.
*Kaval stands up*
Kaval: as you see im the the biggest but i have the biggest heart out of everyone in this fed!
*Kaval walks over to the camera man*
Kaval: now get out and for one thing i have a old tag team partner here go find him and ask him about me!
*Kaval pushes the camera man out of his locker room*
*Kaval slams the door in the camera mans face*
*the camera man finds striker*
-- a couple mins later --
*Kaval opens the door and sees the camera man coming back*
Kaval: Can't Find him well to bad
RP over